Internet Cafe

IMG_8239Tuesday’s 10 am – 12pm,The Library, Memorial Hall, Marford Road, Wheathampstead.
50p per session including a coffee.

We saw a need for members of the community who had relatives and/or friends living or working abroad to keep in touch by email or to exchange pictures of grand children or great grand children. As confidence grew, the attendees using the facility became more adventurous.

One couple are tracing their family tree, another is trying to increase his typing speed to the eighty words per minute he was capable of before retiring! Holidays and flights have been booked and shopping ordered for delivery to home from a supermarket.

One attendee has even bought his own laptop because he felt that one morning a week wasn’t sufficient for all the things he wanted to do.

One of our regulars is Harold who is also a keen cyclist. He has used the internet cafe to create his own “blog” at As someone over 80 who regularly cycles 40 miles or more up and down the hills of Hertfordshire there is great deal Harold can teach us.

At least two volunteers attend each week to help anyone with limited or no computer skills. So why not come along on a Tuesday morning, it might open up a whole new world for you.

Our wonderful Internet Cafe was filmed as part of St. Albans District Council’s community conference. You can watch it here.